Anchored in Research

It is vital that our coaching practice is informed by evidence-based research. Anchored in Research aims to connect sport science concepts and research with sail coaching practice.

Previous Posts

Representative Learning Design
Practice Variability
The Motivational Coach
Impact of Goal Orientations



Research Articles


2025 The value of practicing the "wrong" way: Skill development and affordance perception through broad exploration of the solution space
2024 A principled approach to skill acquisition in competitive surfing: Embracing representative learning design
2024 The adaptable coach – A critical review of the practical implications for traditional and constraints-led approaches in sport coaching
2023 Enriching athlete — Environment interactions in youth sport: The role of a department of methodology
2022 An extended challenge-based framework for practice design in sports coaching
2022 Developing a skill acquisition framework for youth sport in Singapore
2021 The role of nonlinear pedagogy in supporting the design of modified games in junior sports
2020 Effects of teaching games on decision making and skill execution: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2020 When and how to provide feedback and instructions to athletes? — How sport psychology and pedagogy insights can improve coaching interventions to enhance self-regulation in training
2019 Principles of nonlinear pedagogy in sport practice
2019 Skill training periodization in “specialist” sports coaching—An introduction of the “PoST” framework for skill development
2019 What can coaches and physical education teachers learn from a constraints-led approach in para-sport?
2018 An integrated, multifactorial approach to periodization for optimal performance in individual and team sports
2017 Development of a skill acquisition periodisation framework for high-performance sport
2017 Influence of teaching games for understanding on game performance, knowledge, and variables related to adherence in youth sailing
2016 The anatomy of a successful Olympic coach: Actor, agent, and author
2016 Applying transformational leadership theory to coaching research in youth sport: A systematic literature review
2016 Scaling the equipment and play area in children’s sport to improve motor skill acquisition: A systematic review
2016 The practices and developmental pathways of professional and Olympic serial winning coaches
2015 Ecological dynamics of continuous and categorical decision-making: The regatta start in sailing
2015 The concept of rules in the coach-athlete relationship
2015 The dynamics of expertise acquisition in sport: The role of affective learning design
2014 Becoming a coach in developmental adaptive sailing: A lifelong learning perspective
2013 An ecological dynamics approach to skill acquisition: Implications for development of talent in sport
2013 The relationship between coach leadership, the coach–athlete relationship, team success, and the positive developmental experiences of adolescent soccer players
2013 Attentional focus and motor learning: A review of 15 years
2011 Focus of attention and its impact on movement behaviour
2011 Representative learning design and functionality of research and practice in sport
2009 Time scales of adaptive behavior and motor learning in the presence of stochastic perturbations
2008 The theory of reinvestment
2005 An ecological approach to expertise effects in decision-making in a simulated sailing regatta
2003 Movement systems as dynamical systems
2001 Analogy learning: A means to implicit motor learning
2001 The implicit benefit of learning without errors


Sport Physiology

2022 Effects of hot and humid environments on thermoregulation and aerobic endurance capacity of laser sailors
2018 Differences in trunk and thigh muscle strength, endurance and thickness between elite sailors and non-sailors
2015 Physical requirements in Olympic sailing
2014 Physiological assessment of Olympic windsurfers
2010 Yacht type and crew-specific differences in anthropometric, aerobic capacity, and muscle strength parameters among international Olympic class sailors


Sport Psychology

2021 Effects of psychological interventions on competitive anxiety in sport: A meta-analysis
2021 Integrating technology in psychological skills training for performance optimization in elite athletes: A systematic review
2020 Recovery self-regulation in sport: Theory, research, and practice
2017 Using achievement goal theory in motor skill instruction: A systematic review
2015 Psychological training in sailing: Performance improvement for the Olympic classification phase
2015 Sport psychology at the Olympics: The case of a Danish sailing crew in a head wind
2014 Investigating the optimal psychological state for peak performance in Australian elite athletes
2014 Mental toughness in sport: Motivational antecedents and associations with performance and psychological health
2014 The motivational antecedents of the development of mental toughness: A self-determination theory perspective
2009 A review of controlling motivational strategies from a self-determination theory perspective: implications for sports coaches
2006 Coping in sport: A systematic review


Sport Physiotherapy and Medicine

2022 Establishing the incidence and prevalence of injury and illness in Australian sailing athletes over a full year of training and competition to help determine prevention priorities
2022 Ultraviolet exposure of competitors during a Tokyo Olympic Sailing Regatta Test Event
2020 Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE
2016 Injury and illness surveillance at the International Sailing Federation Sailing World Championships 2014
2016 Musculoskeletal screening as a predictor of seasonal injury in elite Olympic class sailors
2012 Dietary supplementation and doping-related factors in high-level sailing
2010 An injury survey and biomechanical analysis of strength and conditioning exercises and maximal hiking test (HM180) in junior sailors


Talent Development

2022 Talent development environments within sports: A scoping review examining functional and dysfunctional environmental features
2015 Developing a high-performance culture: A sport psychology intervention from an ecological perspective in elite orienteering
2015 The relative age effect in sport: A developmental systems model
2014 The transition from elite junior track-and-field athlete to successful senior athlete: Why some do, why others don't
2010 Holistic approach to athletic talent development environments: A successful sailing milieu
2010 The ecology of talent development in sport: A multiple case study of successful athletic talent development environments in Scandinavia